Baldur’s Gate 3 has become one of the highest-assessed games in the entire 30-year history of PC Gamer

Baldur’s Gate 3 went down in history, having received 97% of PC Gamer, becoming one of the highest-appreciated games in the entire 30-year history of the publication. No PC game received such a high score from the publication over the past 16 years. The value of this assessment can be considered in the context of the past PC Gamer: earlier the American and British groups of the magazine worked with various editorial groups and grades.

The authors of PC Gamer decided to share interesting statistics – Baldur’s Gate 3 was the first game since 2007, to which the magazine had at such a high appreciation. In total, the American division PC Gamer issued a rating of 97 and above only five games.

  • Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, 1999 [98]
  • Half-Life 2, 2004 [98]
  • Crysis, 2007 [98]
  • Sid Meier’s Civilization II, 1996 [97]
  • Half-Life, 1998 [97]

The British department PC Gamer was much more modest in the past, limiting himself to grades of 96 points out of 100.

  • Sid Meier’s Civilization II, 1996 [96]
  • Quake II, 1997 [96]
  • Half-Life, 1998 [96]
  • Half-Life 2, 2004 [96]

The rarity of the highest assessments on PC Gamer is deliberate: the assembly guide in the publication is developed in such a way that the estimates of 90+ seem significant. Higher points are set by games that go beyond, give a convincing recommendation or are considered really outstanding. PC Gamer never set assessments of 99 or 100, realizing that no game can be perfect.

Baldur’s Gate 3 earned praise from the PC Gamer team for incorporating the elements of previous games of the genre that received higher grades. It combines the best aspects of Ultima, Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment, Arcanum: of SteamWorks and Magick Obscura, Divinity: Original Sin, as well as new opportunities and modern design. The time spent by the game in early access allowed her to achieve depth and breadth that surpass her predecessors in the CRPG genre.

The PC Gamer team was fascinated by Baldur’s Gate 3: the participants shared funny cases about the passage of quests, discussed the best companions and talked about memorable combat clashes. Even those who initially experienced difficulties with mechanics were delighted with her, which further strengthened her status of an outstanding game.

In general, a high rating of Baldur’s Gate 3 reflects its exceptional gameplay, innovative opportunities and the ability to respond to both veterans and beginners in the CRPG genre.